Tuesday 18 March 2014

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Watermelon - M.M.Mithaiwala

Watermelon is a very popular fruit found in many places in India and is effective specially in beating the summer heat. Botanically, they are called citrus lanatus and belong to the curcurbitaceae family. Cucumbers and pumpkin – two other very healthy foods are cousins of watermelon.
Not only are watermelons extremely tasty, they are also a lot more affordable than fruits like pomegranates. Rich in vitamins and other essential nutrients, here are some reasons why you should eat it.

1. It keeps your heart beating:-
Potassium, a nutrient present in watermelon is important to keep your heart healthy and fit. According to WHO, an adult should consume 3,510 mg of potassium every day for healthy heart function. Also, according to a study led by Arturo Figueroa – supplements made out of watermelon extracts containing citrulline and arginine helped alleviate high blood pressure in middle-aged and obese adults.

2. It helps in boosting your immunity:-
Watermelon contains Vitamin B6,B1,C along with manganese that helps in boosting your immunity. A strong immune system will prevent you from falling sick due to infections.

3. It reduces the chances of cancer:-
Rich in flavonoids like lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin, watermelon protects your cells from free radical damage and reduces your chances of getting cancer.

4. It helps in losing weight:-
Watermelon is 91% water, and contains as little as 30 calories for a 100g serving. This makes it great for someone who wants to lose weight.

5. It refreshes you after a workout:-
Do workouts make your muscles pain significantly the next day? You should consider eating a few slices of watermelon then. According to a study published in Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry, drinking watermelon juice before working out could help reduce post day muscle soreness. This is because watermelon is rich in an amino acid called L-citrulline which gets converted into L-arginine within the body. L-arginine helps relax your blood vessels and improves circulation.

6. It keeps your kidney healthy:-
Watermelon is rich in water and minerals that makes it good for your kidneys as it promotes the production of urine. Additionally, it also helps your liver process ammonia making it easier for your kidneys to get rid of excess fluids.

7. It is good for your eyes:-
Watermelon is a rich source of beta-carotene, which gets converted into Vitamin A by the body. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that keeps your vision healthy, and prevents diseases like age-related macular degeneration and night blindness.

8. It makes your brain sharper:-
Vitamin B6, a nutrient present in watermelons is really good for your brain. This makes it especially good for young students who spend most of their time studying.

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